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Artist. Works and lives in Taipei.



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作品以多條路徑描繪出對於自身信仰和歷史認同的想像地圖,從個人尋找和世代的連結,呈現方式包含平面繪畫、錄相、裝置和聲音。近年繪畫作品使用古典圖像、新聞攝影、家庭相片等多元素材,佐以臨摹做為顯像的手段,定影自身認同的不確定性。近期個展《信仰的臨摹》(2015)與《桃樂絲墜落》(2013)皆獲台新藝術獎提名。曾獲美國佛蒙特藝術中心(Vermont Studio Center)2012亞洲藝術家獎學金,ART TAIPEI 2011新人推薦特區展出機會,並為藝術聚落「空場」的創始成員。


Kao Ya-Ting. Born in Taipei, M.F.A of Taipei National University of the Arts. Now works and lives in Taipei. Kao uses different ways to draw down the imagined map of her religious belief and historical identity, looks for personal connections to the times, and presents her work in paintings, videos, sounds and installations. In recent works she uses found images, press photos, and home photos, along with drawing, to frame up the uncertainty of self-identity. Her recent solo exhibitions ‘The Imitation Of Faith’ and ‘Dorothy Crash’ both received Tai-Hsin Art Award nomination. She received Asian Artist Scholarship of Vermont Studio Center U.S in 2012, and was chosen for M.I.T project in ART TAIPEI art fair in 2011. She is also the funding member of artist studio ‘Polymer




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